
Open Positions

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Blackledegmusic, Inc. is the 501C Corporation which acts as the Fiscal Agent for its Consortium Member Connecticut Flute Orchestra. Blackledgemusic,Inc. was incorporated in 2002.

Donations from our Supporters are very much appreciated! We use every penny wisely.


Ajit Gopalakrishnan

Barbara Blodgett

Astrological Society of CT, Inc.
Andrew G. Berezowski
Elura Nanos
Will Galison
Susanne Grace Fusso

Sarah Bouchard Stockton
David Vaughn
Heather Bloom Wagner
Helene Rosenblatt

Mary and Bill Sand

Anonymous (2)

Anna Maria Ubaldo Wagner

Leslie Sachs

Marissa Gauthier

Lauren Levine Hoffman

Jennafer Catania-Fregeau

Adrienne Albert

Susan F. Eberenz

Deb Shepherd

Judy Handler

Susan Beers

Lucrezia Finegan

Gregory Candy

Anna Maria Ubaldo Wagner

Brittany Bloam Fink

LouAnne Bloam

Aleksandra Miglowiec

Adrianne Greenbaum

Eileen Norkun

Peggy Webbe

Monica Attell-Fitzgerald